
Monday, August 23, 2010

Hello Healthy Living Bloggers

Yes, I do remember that once upon a time I used to blog about food and exercise and weight loss. It has been on my mind that I should get back to it. I’m always waiting for the right time. Waiting for that magical day when I have the time and the head space to sit down and get my thoughts in order. Which, of course, never happens. So maybe I’m better off just sitting down at the keyboard and spewing out whatever is on my mind.

Like tonight.

I’ve been a bit off my routine for the past few days. Never a good thing for me. My in-laws were coming on Saturday to stay over night on their way to Ottawa. I said to Husband on the previous weekend that we should get the house cleaning out of the way so that we weren’t rushing around at the last moment. He said, oh, it’s not that bad, it won’t take long. That’s what he always says. Probably because I do most of the work (my own fault, I’m not good at asking for help).

So of course we were not ready. Then, somehow, getting into the car after work on Friday, Husband did something to his shoulder (don’t ask me, I don’t know. He doesn’t know) so I felt bad enough making him do the amount of cleaning that he did, and I tried not to ask for much extra. Which leaves me rushing around like a crazy woman right up to the time our guests arrived, fantasies of a Saturday workout dashed (unless you count housework).

We went out to dinner and I had chicken nachos and black bean quesadillas and a margarita. Not complaining, but a workout that day would not have been amiss.

Yesterday, I have only myself to blame. I had good intentions to get in a work out. But I was feeling tired and not disposed to do much, likely due to the rushing around all day Saturday and then not sleeping well Sunday night. I don’t sleep well when we have company, isn’t that weird? Neither do the cats because they kept jumping on me and poking at me all night.

So no exercise yesterday. Except more house work. Laundry anyone?

The plan for tonight was BBQ. We are getting a new fridge tomorrow. (Yay!) So we’ve been in clean out fridge/use stuff up mode. I was looking forward to coming home to a simple BBQ meal. I had my calories tracked for the day, figuring I had room for supper and that I would have time for at least a short exercise session of some sort. I was also looking forward to minimal dishes to clean up, since BBQ does not involve dirtying up pots.

Then we were late leaving work. Then Husband decided that he wanted to do something different for supper.

I don’t like to discourage Husband when he gets the urge to experiment in the kitchen. It’s always nice to have help, plus we do have fun spending time together in the kitchen.

But the end result is more calories than I planned on, and my evening pretty much gone.

I enjoyed spending time with Husband, but at the same time I find myself feeling like the evening I had envisioned got stolen away from me.

Does anyone else ever feel that way? Or do I sound completely nuts?

If you made it to the end of my whining session, I now reward you with a few extra photos from yesterday….

IMG_9486  IMG_9488 IMG_9490

If you haven’t seen yesterday’s garden post yet, click on over and check it out.

Thanks for listening/reading.  :)


Shirls said...

I do the same thing when companies coming, try to pre-clean and it always ends up being a scramble before they arrive. AND I always thought I was the only one who didn't sleep well when guests are in the house!! nice to know I'm not alone in that one... I totally understand the evening thing too, I struggle with balancing my dietary needs against my hubby's all the time and I never want to discourage when he gets the urge to jump in and cook...

JavaChick said...

Thank you Shirls! Nice to know I am not alone. :)

Miz said...

sadly you are alone in the husband kitchen thing :)
with me anyway.
I think mine mightcould need a map to get there

and the grocery :)
but youll have that...

the Bag Lady said...

I think we are all alike as far as the company coming cleaning frenzy. And as far as plans being changed at the last minute? ALWAYS happens around here. I try to just go with the flow.

Sagan said...

Sometimes I think that cleaning is a better workout than going to the gym!

I love cleaning so that my house is spotless when company comes over. Or when family comes over. Basically I like a clean home :)

JavaChick said...

Glad to know I am not alone with the last minute rushing!

I like a clean home too, I just don't enjoy the process of getting there. Weekends are usually when I get things done, so when company is coming for the weekend it means things have to get done earlier. Just throws me off.

I survived though, and all is well. :)