
Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Take it Back?

After the beautiful warm weather we had last weekend, the temperature dropped on Monday. Tuesday we woke up to this:


So not amused. It didn’t stick, and while we’ve had some flurries, there has not been any snow since then. The temperature has stayed around freezing or below though, and that’s always hard to take once you have those first few warm days in the spring. I’m so done with being cold.

I also could really use a long weekend or some vacation. Ah well.

One cool thing this week – I finally managed to get a photo of our neighborhood fox.


It was taking through the living room window and I was rushing, so it’s not a great shot, but there he is. He’s a jaunty looking little fellow, always looks like he’s having a good time out there.

We don’t seem him often (not like the deer) but every once in a while we catch a glimpse, and it’s always a cool thing to see.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Spring, that is. Happy Vernal Equinox! I hope your first day of spring was as fabulous as ours.

We celebrated by having pancakes for breakfast.

Okay, we actually just had pancakes for breakfast without realizing it was the first day of spring, but any day with pancakes is a good day as far as I’m concerned.

The sun was shining though, so this afternoon I had to head out and check on things in the yard.


IMG_0226 IMG_0210 IMG_0222


We even found some catnip, leftover from last fall I think, but the cats seem to agree that it’s still good stuff.


There are still patches of snow out there, and it still cools off quite a bit at night, but it really was a beautiful afternoon. After hanging out in the garden for a bit, I headed out for a short walk. Then I came back and decided I could use a good stretch so I came down to the basement for some yoga.

I remembered I had Yoga Download’s Solar Flow #1 that I’d been meaning to try for quite some time. I looked at the pose guide first and almost changed my mind; I thought it might be too much for me today. But then I decided to just try it and do what I could do. I was so glad I did; it turned out to be such an enjoyable session.

This evening, Husband and I met up with some friends to try out a new Thai restaurant which turned out to be quite good.

All in all, it turned out to be a great day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

We had absolutely fantastic weather last weekend – there was a bit of rain, but mostly it was sunny! And warm! I like warm. :)

It turned cold on Sunday night, and it stayed chilly until today which was another warm and sunny one. I was pretty tired when I got home from work today, but I couldn’t resist going outside for a few minutes.

So I exchanged my St. Paddy’s Day green leather boots…


For my Smurf Blue rubber garden boots…


And made my way out to the yard.

There’s still snow in spots, but it’s melting causing the usual swamp effect at the bottom of the yard. Happens every year in the spring.



Spring! Did I really say spring? Maybe it’s not quite here, but when it starts to get all warm and sunny I want to soak up as much as I can. So do the Fabulous Felines; they really didn’t spend much time outside over the winter, but now they are wanting to go out. Even if they have to head to high ground to keep their feet dry.



I definitely saw some paw shaking today. Poor guys. I bet that snow melt is cold.

But hang on guys. Spring is definitely coming. So say the Snow Drops.



I confess, recently I have been going back and visiting the early posts from last year’s garden blog. I needed to see colorful pictures of sunny days and growing things. It helped. Right now I’m just hoping that the warm weather is here to stay. We’ve had quite an intense winter and I’m ready for it to be done.

In case anyone is wondering about the fitness & diet stuff – things have been up and down. I’ve been really busy and feeling overwhelmed a lot of time time. I had a couple weeks of headaches and stiff neck, so I’ve been trying to take things easy and do the best I can (also why there hasn’t been much blogging going on). I’m hanging in. That’s about all I can say.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ask And Ye Shall Receive

Okay, it’s not quite spring yet, but we had our first little taste of it.

All last week we were having cold weather and snow flurries. A bright spot was when this came in the mail on Wednesday…


Oh the anticipation!


Still, it was looking like gardening season was a long way off. I think the deer agree with me.


But on Friday it started to warm up. And in the space of a few days we went from this:



To this:



It’s truly amazing how quickly the snow disappears once the weather warms up.

I was feeling pretty crappy all last week. Exhausted, headachey, stiff neck and shoulders. I wasn’t quite sure what was causing what, but it was a long week. I got 10 hours of sleep on Saturday night though, and yesterday I finally felt better. I headed out and about to do some errands, and thoroughly enjoyed the warm day.

This morning I was wakened half an hour earlier than I wanted to be so that Husband could tell me that another neighborhood cat had managed to get itself trapped inside our fence.

The first time happened about 3(?) weeks ago, at 9:00 on a snowy Sunday night. I spent an hour crawling around the yard (the snow was seriously too deep to walk in, crawling was easier) trying to figure out how to get the cat out. I had visions of it being stuck in there still spring. I dug out the gate, but it was frozen shut. That time the cat finally got out by climbing the cherry tree.

This time, due to the warm days we’ve had, I was able to open the gate and set the poor critter free. Then I checked out the fence and found a spot where the fencing had come away from the fence pole and fixed it. Hopefully that will be the end of strange felines inside the fence.

Tomorrow the temperature is suppose to start dropping down again, but I think, just maybe, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Spring is coming.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Review

More snow storms! On Friday and yesterday. It just doesn’t stop this winter! I think the winter blues may have officially set in. I’m really just wanting to curl up with a blanket, read a book, and not do much of anything else.

I think that shows in Feburary’s Workout Summary:

Feb 28: Treadmill Walk[45 mins]

Feb 23: The FIRM Hi-Def Sculpt[45 mins]

Feb 21: Treadmill Walk[45 mins]

Feb 19: The FIRM 500 Calorie Burn DVD[60 mins]

Feb 17: Treadmill Walk[40 mins]

Feb 16: SP Full Body DB Circuit[20 mins]

Feb15: Treadmill Walk[45 mins]

Feb 10: Fat Burning Fusion DVD[45 mins]

Feb 08: Gentle Hatha Yoga #2[30 mins]

Feb 07: RC Dial It In Workout B[40 mins]

Feb 04: Cardio Intervals[25 mins]
Feb 02: RC Dial It In Workout A[45 mins]

I’m too tired tonight to come up with much else to say, but here are some winter views to show how buried we are.




Can we have spring now please?