
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 7: Wheat Free

While Husband is away, JavaChick will play in the kitchen!

Husband and I have similar tastes in a lot of ways - we are neither of us 'meat-and-potato' types; we tend to like a lot of ethnic foods, a lot of spices and herbs, a lot of flavor. Not so much the plain food. However, I tend to lean toward vegetarian, where Husband likes the meat to be front and center. So while I am very happy to have Husband in my life, it is fun to be able to do my own thing once in a while.

It was a busy week. There was a certain amount of work stress. But I had only myself to cook for, and I managed to stick to my goals of avoiding wheat and limiting dairy (I pretty much do this all the time anyway) and processed foods. I should clarify - when I say "processed" I am talking about snack foods and convenience foods that tend to be lacking in nutritional value; I realize that is not the strict definition, but that is my goal.

The first time I cut out wheat, I found it really hard. Partially because it was the first time and maybe also because I cut out all dairy at the same time - it was a lot to figure out. Even though I haven't been avoiding wheat for the last little while, I have been conscious of it, so that I think that made it easier this time. I already had some fall back options, so I had no problem coming up with meals. I've actually even managed to find a gluten free bread and gluten free pizza crust that weren't terrible - thought that would never happen.

I also managed to write down all my meals & snacks this week. This is something I have been trying to work on, but have not been able to do. I think I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to do it and what to write down exactly. It seems simple - just write down what you eat and how you are feeling - but years of calorie counting, and meal timing, and good food vs. bad food, etc, are hard to overcome. All I want is to keep a record and figure out what works for me; what am I eating when I'm feeling good? What's going on when I'm not feeling great? It's only been a week, so I'm not going to say I've got this licked, but I feel like I've made progress.

Once again, I have left this  until the last minute on Sunday night, so I'm going to leave it here. I was happy with what I was eating this week - I enjoyed my food, I felt good eating it, I had healthy stuff, I had some not so healthy stuff, but I'm okay with that.

What I have been eating:
~ Mole inspired vegetarian chili
~ Corn pasta with tomato & olive sauce
~ Stir fry tofu & vegetables
~ Fish Tacos (haddock, corn tortillas, guacamole, homemade salsa)
~ Salads, raw veggies
~ Pomegranates, clementines
~ Guacamole & Organic Tostitos.
~ Microwave Flax Muffin (breakfasts)
~ Bolthouse Chai Protein Drink
~ Almonds
~ Brown Rice Crackers & Hummus
~ Tuna on gluten free bread
~ Pizza on gluten free crust
~ Lindt Sea Salt chocolate

I hesitated over whether to post that list. I don't claim to eat perfectly. I'm not following any kind of diet. I am just trying to figure out how to feel my best. This week I felt pretty good. My tastebuds were happy. I didn't overeat. I didn't go hungry. This is me, logging my data.

 I don't have much in the way of photos this week, but I'll leave you with a couple more iPhone shots of my boys...

This is what I see when I get up in the morning.

Blurry, because Frank is in motion, trying to decide if he wants to jump in. Please note the height of this cat. My babies are giants.


Miz said...

Im eager to hear how you feel after a week or so!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. Have you ever tried Bavarian wheat free bread? I would recommend it, I just started out WF and it can be difficult finding good brands.