
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Please let me not get sick...

Very tired tonight. Stealing my post from the WW board today because I'm too tired to type much...

...................................My day got off to a so-so start. Measured out my morning cereal, poured in the milk, then as I was turning to put the milk back in the fridge I somehow managed to hook my cereal bowl with my elbow. I realized what was happening and turned back before the whole bowl crashed to the floor, but I did tip it enough to pour cereal and milk all over the floor, my pant let, sock and shoe. That's me, ever the graceful one. The silver lining - ran to change my clothes and grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw. I remember the last time I wore these I thought they were a little on the snug side, but today they feel quite comfy and I actually cinched the belt one more notch than usual. So I'm feeling ok, spilled milk and all.........................

I think I'm coming down with Moon's cold though. Feeling tired, achy, sore throad. Going to take some advil and head off to bed early.

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