
Monday, March 17, 2008

Another Monday...

The weekend flew by, as usual.

Saturday I finally got out and exchanged my sneakers at The Running Room; they had some new stock so there were a couple more pairs in my size to try. I did a couple of other errands, picked up groceries and headed home.

In the afternoon I did my first Couch-to-5K Week 4 session...I have to say I didn't enjoy it much, but I got through it. Then I did a 20 minute yoga DVD.

Yesterday I was extremely lazy. Crawled out of bed around 9 am, made myself breakfast and a pot of coffee, sat myself down on the couch with Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Piccoult. I stayed there for most of the day. I did get up and do my Crunch Cardio Sculpt DVD and a short walk on the treadmill. I also got a few things ready for the work week. But mostly I sat on the couch and read. That makes two weekends in a row. Enjoyable, but I end up not getting much of anything done around the house.

Just as dusk started to fall yesterday, I saw our herd of deer up on the hill. I watched them for quite a while (instead of washing dishes, which is what I should have been doing). The started to move around behind the house, so I went out on our deck, as quietly as I could, and ended up having a really good view of them for quite a while. Eventually I went back in because I was getting cold, but they were still there on the hill, watching me watching them. A few times now I've seen them go running up or down the hill - it's quite something to see those white tails flashing.

Going to try to get back to tracking my points this week, even though I didn't over the weekend. Really hoping to have another good week.

Daily Record
Weight: 143 lb

BF: 1 egg, scrambled with bean sprouts
Lunch: raw cauliflower, hummus, whole wheat pita
Snack: 1/2 cup raspberries & 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
Supper: PC Curry sauce with chicken, bell peppers, cauliflower and PC Naan.

Planned workout: C25K 4.2


the Bag Lady said...

Your weekend sounds lovely and relaxing, and we all need that once in awhile!
Your lunch sounds good, too. The Bag Lady has some cauliflower in the fridge that absolutely must get eaten soon....hmmmm

Unknown said...

I am soooooo jealous of where you live being able to watch the wildlife like that! I HATE living in the city sometimes...

I am having quite the rough time on core... I am not quite sure if I am going to even make it a week now! lol But I'll keep ya posted.

Now get back tracking those pts! lol

HappyBlogChick said...

Jodi Piccoult books are like heroin. Soooooooo good. What a relaxing, wonderful day!

Good job on your c25k work on Saturday.