By the end of the day yesterday, I was ready to collapse. My ears were ringing (well, they always do that a bit but this was the deafening high-pitched whine that tells me I need to slow down and get some rest). By this point, I was so tired I could have cried; felt I was on the verge of tears actually. You know how small children get over-tired and cry over nothing? Apparently I have not outgrown this tendency.
I had been trying to convince myself all day that I was going to go home and do a weight training workout. I'd just had 3 days with no workouts (Never mind that I was running myself ragged - there were no workouts! Perhaps I am a wee bit obsessed). In the car on the way home, I said to Husband that I was trying to convince myself to work out but wasn't sure I could do it. He said: You were busy all weekend. It's not going to hurt to take a day off. Sometimes he is actually sensible.
I confess, I was easily convinced to hit the Wendy's drive-thru for supper because I just didn't want to have to do anything. Took my fast food, plunked down on the couch and sat in front of the TV and watched two episodes of Gilmore Girls. I felt better after that, I have to say.
I decided I could manage a walk outdoors.
First, I went out to check on the state of my garden since it had been pouring down rain for most of the morning. I was excited to see my very first tomato blossom of the year!
Scotia Tomato
This is one of the plants that I started from seed. I wasn't sure how my seedlings were going to do this year, was afraid that they would die when I transplanted them actually. Normally, I start seeds indoors then I bring my mini-greenhouse out of the garage, set it up on the deck and transfer my little seedlings...Except when I went looking for my greenhouse this year, it was nowhere to be found. Though Husband says no, I suspect it must have been a casualty of his garage cleaning frenzy last fall (long story). So, I ended up keeping most of the seedlings inside until my little garden patch was created and I planted them directly there. Not the best plan, but so far things have survived.
However, the Scotia tomatoes did get treated a bit differently. I had started them in peat pellets, then they were getting big so I planted the peat pellets in bigger pots and placed them on the floor by the patio door. Then when they got bigger, I did move them out to the deck. So they'd already had some exposure when I transplanted them to the garden.
Most of my other plants are looking ok though, so I am cautiously optimistic.
One of my Cayenne Pepper plants also has a blossom.
Cayenne Pepper
This is one of the plants I bought at the nursery. It came in a packet of four plants. If all goes well, I am envisioning homemade salsa with my tomatoes and peppers!
My peas and beans also seem to be coming along.
Sugar Snap Peas and Kentucky Wonder Green Beans
After I checked all that, I did go for a walk. It wasn't the nicest night, but it did feel good to get some air and stretch my legs.
I was all tucked in bed by 10:00, I read for half an hour, then I passed right out.
I have to start getting packed and organized for my trip. That will be tonight and tomorrow night. Should be plenty of time.
Do you think it's too late for me to start tomatoes now? I keep thinking I should buy a couple from the nursery to pot out on my deck, but now I think I waited too long??
Love the photos of your tomatoes and peppers!! I'll have to share my secret salsa recipe with you...
Oh, and bionicwoman - if you can find tomatoes at the nursery that are starting to bloom, they'll do fine on your deck!
Secret salsa...I am intrigued.
glad to see youre feeling better.
our bods can only take so much of the running ragged before they rebel!
Hey, great blog. It's great that you're being so public with your efforts to get healthier. I totally agree with you about not wasting calories on low fat no sugar things. A small, rich piece of cheesecake is far better than a huge, low fat one! Great garden, too. I am also hoping for many good things from mine. Take care, fellow Canadian!
I was excited to to see my tomato and raspberry plants have flowers too. :) Just something to show for all the hard work you have done.
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